Every election, politicians faces are can be seen from a bunch of posters, flyers, tarpaulins that are posted in every street. For the worst scenarios, these campaign materials are just left in those places and let the residents around the area clean their left trashes. A data from the 2015 study "Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean" of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) shows that the Philippines wastes 6,237,653 kg (6875.84 tons) of plastic per day, of which 81% is mismanaged. As it says, Philippines are one of the main causes of pollutants around the world. Letting this trashes around can worsen the case of wastes that the country are producing. Our advocacy is to let the people aware, especially the politicians about the wastes that they are producing after or before their campaign period. Through the use of our petition site can have that “eye-opener” for everyone concerning the left wastes of the politicians and help the candidates be mindful of this issue.